A quick guide to the Loading Phase

During the first two days of the HCG Protocol, your goal is to eat as many high-fat foods as possible. This stocks your normal fat cells, which allows your abnormal fat cells to willingly release copious amounts of fat during VLCD.

You may need more than two if for the past six months you have consistently eaten low-fat/low calorie or you have a long history of yo-yo dieting with large weight swings. It’s common to do three load days after doing back-to-back rounds of the protocol. If you fall into either of these categories, please contact our support team for advice.

Start taking HCG the morning of Load Day 1. If you do more than two load days, only take HCG on the last two days. Follow this schedule with the drops for the entire course. If you miss a dose, you can make up for it later or with a larger dose.

Load days aren’t usually as fun as they may sound at first – by the end of Day 1 you may be very tired of eating fat. One less filling trick is to get a quart of heavy cream and mix it with coffee or chocolate (hot, cold, or as a milkshake) and sip it between meals and snacks.

You should aim for a minimum of 250 grams of fat or more on each load day. Remember to focus on fat, not starch or sugar. A loaded baked potato or a piece of chocolate cake is not nearly as effective at packing in the fat grams as an omelet cooked in butter and loaded with cheese and bacon.

Here are the highest fat foods – be sure to include several of these in your load days.

Here are the highest fat foods – be sure to include several of these in your load days. Food Fat Grams Per 100-gram Serving Food Fat Grams per 100-gram Serving
Vegetable oil 100 Cheddar cheese 33
Bacon grease 100 Burger Patties 31
Lard/dripping 100 Pork spare ribs 30
Palm or Coconut oil 100 Prime rib 29
Nuts (macadamia is highest) 76 Cream cheese 29
Coconut (dried, unsweetened) 57 Canned tuna 29
Dark chocolate 52 Sausage 28
Butter 51 Parmesan cheese 26
Peanut butter 50 Egg yolk 26
French dressing 45 Cheesecake 23
Bacon 42 Whipped cream topping 23
Flaky pastry 39 Chicken w/skin, battered & fried 21
Heavy cream 37 Vanilla Ice Cream 17
Salami 34 Avocado 15
Mayonnaise 33

Zero Calorie Noodles for P2

Miracle Noodle, Slim Noodles, Zero Calorie Noodles, Shirataki Noodles or whatever other names they come by have been circling around those doing the HC-slim protocol

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