From 74 Kgs to 61 Kgs

I have alway struggles with my weight with working in hospo alway eating and picking at food.

A friend told me about a diet he did that let him lose 18kg in 8 weeks though I saw him drop the weight quickly while still having plenty of energy for the kids, so I decided why not give it a go.

Got straight into it I took the 2 loading days very serious was told these days We’re important for the phase 2, then I struggled for the 1st two days after going into phase 2 and saw a 1kg drop on the third day and thought could it be working then after that it was all go weight kept dropping off some days more then others water intake was a big thing It definitely helped and drinking tea filled the gap that you may think is a hunger pain but really isn’t did walking each day the maintain phase 3 was easily done and now just weighing myself everyday is a normal thing and watching intake.

All up 13kg lost on the on two 26 day HCG kits start weight 74kg end weight 61kg and will be doing another round before summer hits.

Jane C (Name has been changed for privacy)



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