I weighed 101.6Kg when I started. How did I get there? Actually very easily! HCG gives me the light at the end of the tunnel and nothing tastes better than the success of losing weight….
I am 157cm (so short) and have been on numerous tedious diets. I am not a successful weight loser. I work, do my own house work, garden and go to vigorous cycling classes, so I am fit. I am also sociable, play golf, enjoy cooking and baking but seem to always say no to the normal things everyone else is eating and drinking. I felt like an absolute failure and envious of people who are fabulously thin. I am hypo-thyroid and on medication so I don’t lose weight easily.
I can put on excess weight over the Christmas season so I started HCG drops in December 2012 and lost an amazing 12.5kg over 5 weeks. I am now on a second set of drops and, in 3 days, lost another 1.6kg. The control is stupendous. I don’t feel I want to devour whatever I see. The weight drops off every day so thanks to HCG for the excitement of weighing tomorrow. The fat comes off places where I have never managed to lose weight before. It is fast which is so motivating. People say, you will just put it on if you lose too fast. I will put it on if I overindulge no matter whether the weight is lost quickly or slowly.
“HCG gives me the light at the end of the tunnel and nothing tastes better than the success of losing weight.”
Carol Versfeld (Auckland)