Hi, my name is Paloma, and I’m from Brazil. I’m 33 years old, and I found it really hard to lose weight after my pregnancy.
After reading a lot I decided to do the HCG diet. I did the 40 day course.
I would see photos of myself and think how awful I looked. I used to be skinny, but now after one child, I felt depressed not being able to lose the extra weight.
The first couple of days were hard, as I’m used to picking at food while I cooked or prepared meals. But I soon got into a routine of not picking and stuck to it.
Today, I am 8.5 kgs lighter. I have more energy, move more, do more and laugh more. I have bought some nice knickers and feel good wearing them.
It’s a challenging diet but I was motivated after seeing results daily and cutting out oils and sticking to the diet you really feel good like a full detox of your system. It takes discipline and routine, but it can be done. And after the first few days, it becomes easy, you don’t get hungry, and as I said with weighing daily, you can see results every day. I fully recommend it.
I’m definitely gonna continue to do the HCG diet in the future for the detox feeling, everyone who is not happy with their weight should give it a go.
65kgs 40 days program = 56.5
Thank you HCG diet
Paloma Albino